The IAEA’s Role in Times of War
An overview of the Agency’s efforts to ensure safety at Ukraine’s nuclear facilities over the past two years (2022-2024)
Authors: Alexander Nikitin
Publisher: Bellona Foundation, Vilnius
The nuclear legacy in the north-west of Russia includes the building of a former military base in Andreyeva Bay, spent nuclear fuel from nuclear submarines, sunken nuclear and radiation hazardous objects at the bottom of the Arctic sea.
The situation for projects on eliminating the nuclear legacy changed after Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022. International donors who had been taking part in many projects to eliminate the nuclear legacy with finances, technologies and other resources withdrew.
In the present publication, Bellona surveys events in 2022-2023 at nuclear legacy sites in the Russian Arctic, and additionally evaluated their current state as of late 2023, and examines the prospects for bringing them into a safe condition.